If you are a member or training at our dojo, you may click on the link below to include your email address to receive news & updates concerning our club.
We are a non-profit organisation (ASBL/VZW). Your membership fee contributes to cover administration and rental costs.
Nous constituons une ASBL ("VZW") ; les cotisations contribuent à couvrir les frais administratifs et de location.
Generally, your club fee is paid quarterly. However, you can also choose to pay monthly or per training.
La formule la plus sollicitée est le paiement trimestriel, mais il vous est loisible d'opter pour la formule mensuelle voire annuelle.
Children 5 - 7 Years / Enfants
€40 month / mois
€100 quarter / trimestre
€300 year / an
Students + 8 - 25 years / Etudiants
€50 month / mois
€125 quarter / trimestre
€350 year / an
Adults / Adultes
€60 month / mois
€150 quarter / trimestre
€400 year / an
Short training / Entraînement(s) "occasionnel(s)"
€130 card of 10 trainings / entraînements
€15 per training / entraînements
Examination Kye fee
The inscription starts when licence fees are paid.
Bank information /
Coordonnées bancaires
BE95 4281 1376 4158
ASBL Brussels Shotokan Karate-Do
Sawada Academy
Licence and insurance / Licence & assurance
BE54 4281 1350 6197
JKA-Francophone: €40 year/ans + €2 for passport (- 7 years/ans €20) / lors de la première inscription (carnet fédéral)
Yearly renewal/Renouvellement €40 year/ans
JKA-Vlaanderen: €35 year + 2 € for karate passport / lors de la première inscription (carnet fédéral)
One time membership fee: €25.
Participation unique lors de la première inscription €25.
Children (-16 years) need a parental agreement.
L'inscription de jeunes (- de 16 ans) nécessite l'accord parental.
During training people must respect others and regulations including ceremonial formalities.
Durant l'entraînement, le respect tant mutuel que des règles, incluant les formes de cérémonial, est requis.
Any physical or health problem should be mentioned (to the instructor) before training.
Toute forme de restriction physique ou autre doit impérativement être signalée à l'instructeur, préalablement au cours
The dojo reserves the right not to accept new members.
Le Dojo (club & responsables) se réserve le droit de refuser tout nouveau candidat/membre.
Being very active in karate, Sawada Sensei became the club’s team captain. This Taisho team won three times the All-Japan University Championships. Sawada Sensei was Kanto area (Western part of Japan) University Champion, and reached twice the finals in the Free-style University Championships.
After graduation, Sawada Sensei moved to Belgium and was appointed as assistant to Sensei Miyazaki Satoshi (宮崎 哲), at national level and in our club, and this continued until September '84 when Sawada Sensei moved back to Japan for a decade.
Regrettably, Miyazaki Sensei passed away on May 31st 1993. The Belgian karate federation then asked Sawada Sensei to return and teach as national instructor. As he was Sensei Miyazaki Satoshi's assistant, Sawada Sensei became the dojo's chief-instructor.
Over 200 m² of wooden floor was laid down and additional facilities were built - Side mirrors and panels added to the seven meters high ceiling, increased the impression of space in the training hall. Many people spent a great deal of sweat on this floor, including the Belgian national squad.
In March 2007 was renamed Brussels' Shôtôkan Karate-dô Sawada Academy. Today the dojo is located in the sports complex of the university campus Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB).