We welcome everyone.
Karate has no age limitation. Young or old. Male or female, Karate is for everyone. Karate is a life long learning experience which is why it is accessible to all.
We kindly request that you arrive at least 20 minutes before the training commences for your first class so we can help you settle in.
For the first few times, you can train with the usual sports attire. Eventually, you should invest in a karate-gi (karate attire).
If you or your child is completely new to karate, the instructor will assign a 'Sempai' (senior student). His or her role is to explain to you dojo etiquettes and basic techniques. This way you will feel comfortable as you continue to learn and progress. Karate is not about fighting or winning. It is the mastery of discipline, humility and self defence techniques, among other character building ideals.
know exactly how you or your child may feel when attending the first class . Everyone in the club started our karate practice the same way, a complete beginner.
Club membership fees / Cotisations
We are a non-profit organisation (ASBL/VZW). Your membership fee contributes to cover administration and rental costs.
Nous constituons une ASBL ("VZW") ; les cotisations contribuent à couvrir les frais administratifs et de location.
Generally, your club fee is paid quarterly. However, you can also choose to pay monthly or per training.
La formule la plus sollicitée est le paiement trimestriel, mais il vous est loisible d'opter pour la formule mensuelle voire annuelle.
Adults / Adultes
€125 quarter / trimestre
€50 month / mois
€380 year / an
Children & students / Enfants & étudiants
€100 quarter / trimestre
€40 month / mois
€300 year / an
Short training / Entraînement(s) "occasionnel(s)"
€100 10 trainings / entraînements
€13 per training / entraînements
The inscription starts when licence fees are paid and a medical certificate from your general practitioner doctor certifying your fitness is received.
L'inscription prend officiellement cours une fois le certificat médical dûment complété rentré.
Bank information /
Coordonnées bancaires
ASBL Brussels Shotokan Karate-Do
Sawada Academy
Licence and insurance / Licence & assurance
JKA-Francophone: €38 year + €2 for karate passport / lors de la première inscription (carnet fédéral)
JKA-Vlaanderen: €35 year + 1,5 € for karate passport / lors de la première inscription (carnet fédéral)
One time membership fee: €25.
Participation unique lors de la première inscription €25.
Children (-16 years) need a parental agreement.
L'inscription de jeunes (- de 16 ans) nécessite l'accord parental.
During training people must respect others and regulations including ceremonial formalities.
Durant l'entraînement, le respect tant mutuel que des règles, incluant les formes de cérémonial, est requis.
Any physical or health problem should be mentioned (to the instructor) before training.
Toute forme de restriction physique ou autre doit impérativement être signalée à l'instructeur, préalablement au cours
The dojo reserves the right not to accept new members.
Le Dojo (club & responsables) se réserve le droit de refuser tout nouveau candidat/membre.