Discover Karate

Brussels' Shôtôkan
Sawada Academy
Japan Karate Association

Do you want to make a real change in your life?
Or perhaps take on a new challenge?
Try the"Discover Karate" pass for only €20*!
Join our "Discover Karate"for only €20* and train as often as you like for 4 weeks (sign up by Friday 21st January 2022)!

While 1 month of karate training is insufficient to feel the benefits, we see it as a good way for you to start off in karate.
Karate gets you fit physically and mentally to deal with daily life challenges & stress.
Make new friends and learn how the discipline of Karate can be a part of your daily lifestyle.

*'Discover Karate' is only for novices and people who new to karate.

Join us!

We welcome everyone.

Karate has no age limitation. Young or old. Male or female, Karate is for everyone. Karate is a life long learning experience which is why it is accessible to all. 

We kindly request that you arrive at least 20 minutes before the training commences for your first class so we can help you settle in.

For the first few times, you can train with the usual sports attire. Eventually, you should invest in a karate-gi (karate attire).

If you or your child is completely new to karate, the instructor will assign a 'Sempai' (senior student). His or her role is to explain to you dojo etiquettes and basic techniques. This way you will feel comfortable as you continue to learn and progress. Karate is not about fighting or winning. It is the mastery of discipline, humility and self defence techniques, among other character building ideals.

We know exactly how you or your child may feel when attending the first class . Everyone in the club started our karate practice the same way, a complete beginner.


Your health and safety are our top priorities.
Votre bien-être nous tient à cœur.

We have taken measures to ensure that our club members can continue to learn and train in a safe environment when joining our karate classes. Please check back regularly for the latest updates.
Read More. Lisez plus.

Training Schedule

Wednesday / Mercredi
16:00-17:00    Kids from 5 to 8 yrs
17:00-18:00    Kids from 8 yrs
18:30-20:00    Adults
Friday / Vendredi
18:30-20:00    Adults
Saturday / Samedi
09:30-11:00    Adults + children
The above is our general training schedule.  The dojo is closed during the main holidays (July-August, last & first week of the year, public holidays and certain days of the year. 

Ce qui précède est notre programme de formation général. Le dojo est fermé pendant les vacances d'été (juillet-août, premiere & dernière semaine de l'année, jours fériés et certains jours de l'année.

French is mainly used, while English is also widely spoken during training.
Les cours sont principalement donnés en français.

Club membership fees / Cotisations

We are a non-profit organisation (ASBL/VZW). Your membership fee contributes to cover administration and rental costs.

Nous constituons une ASBL ("VZW") ; les cotisations contribuent à couvrir les frais administratifs et de location.

Generally, your club fee is paid quarterly.  However, you can also choose to pay monthly or per training.

La formule la plus sollicitée est le paiement trimestriel, mais il vous est loisible d'opter pour la formule mensuelle voire annuelle.

Adults / Adultes

€125 quarter / trimestre

€50  month / mois

€380  year / an

Children & students / Enfants & étudiants

€100 quarter / trimestre

€40  month / mois

€300 year / an

Short training / Entraînement(s) "occasionnel(s)"

€100 10 trainings / entraînements 

€13 per training / entraînements 

The inscription starts when licence fees are paid and a medical certificate from your general practitioner doctor certifying your fitness is received.

L'inscription prend officiellement cours une fois le certificat médical dûment complété rentré.

Bank information / 

Coordonnées bancaires



ASBL Brussels Shotokan Karate-Do

Sawada Academy

Licence and insurance / Licence & assurance

JKA-Francophone: €38 year + €2 for karate passport / lors de la première inscription (carnet fédéral)

JKA-Vlaanderen: €35 year + 1,5 € for karate passport / lors de la première inscription (carnet fédéral) 

One time membership fee: €25.

Participation unique lors de la première inscription €25.

Children (-16 years) need a parental agreement.

L'inscription de jeunes (- de 16 ans) nécessite l'accord parental.

During training people must respect others and regulations including ceremonial formalities.

Durant l'entraînement, le respect tant mutuel que des règles, incluant les formes de cérémonial, est requis.

Any physical or health problem should be mentioned (to the instructor) before training.

Toute forme de restriction physique ou autre doit impérativement être signalée à l'instructeur, préalablement au cours

The dojo reserves the right not to accept new members.

Le Dojo (club & responsables) se réserve le droit de refuser tout nouveau candidat/membre.

Benefits of practicing Karate.


From a self-defence perspective, research shows that during during real-life confrontation, the body undergoes a PCSR (Psycho Chemical Stress Response). When this occurs, the ability to access logical thoughts all but diminishes. Instead, under the conditions of PCSR, the human brain accesses what is referred to as the ‘Primal Brain’, which control instinctive behaviour. So what does this all mean? Unlike self-defence courses that show a person a set of logical defences against a potential attacker (none of which become instinctive) karate training sets out to develop appropriate ‘instinctive‘ habits in its participants. This gives them the ability to act accordingly under conditions of a stress response.

Fitness, Energy And Vitality

The techniques practiced during each class involves the use of all muscles and bones in the body making it an excellent all-over body workout. Involving the entire body also serves to develop balance, agility, coordination and flexibility. Regardless of levels, experience. karate, when practiced regularly, helps to improve cardio capacity, good muscular coordination and control.  

Instilling Respect, Building Confidence And Humility

While it is a system of self-defence with a full body workout, unlike other sportive activities, karate promotes humanitarian and social respect for other others.  We work to become more disciplined, more patient within oneself, and above all, encourages humility above ego.

The dojo environment does not tolerate foul language or negative social behaviour. In short it is a place where each karate-ka give their best. The ultimate goal is that people can take this philisophy and apply it to their daily lives; at home, work and/or school.


Self-discipline is the ability to control one’s emotions, impulses, desires and behavior. The core value of karate is to resist the desire for instant gratification.  Instead, we work towards gaining long-term satisfaction and fulfillment from achieving higher and more meaningful goals.

  • Through discipline we build self-confidence.
  • Karate requires concentration and focus.
  • A "Never give up" attitude building a higher tolerance for frustration, challenges and negative emotions.
  • A drive to improve and bring ourselves to the next level.
  • No matter how good we get, our ego should never be above humility.
Character Development

In most sports, you win or you lose. While we may practice karate as a group, karate is an individual activity there is no "losing", nor is there any "winning".  Each karateka focuses on developing at his or her own pace while being pushed to mental or physical limits. With regular practice and persistence, your limits are stretched. Learning and improving;  getting better, more skilled, fitter, stronger, more coordinated etc, week-after-week, the self-confidence and discipline grows.  In karate, we emphasise on character development rather than on physical capabilities.

Coming to the classes with no ego and outside our comfort zone, with a persistence to keep going, the novice karateka will realise that whatever they set their sights on, they can achieve – a valuable skill for life.

Principles of Karate
Getting a black belt in Karate-ka is what most people think of when starting out.  However it is not the goal or should it be the only reason you start Karate.  The philosophy of Karate are based on  our 5 precepts (dojo-kun). Briefly :

1. Hitotsu, jinkaku kansei ni tsutomuru koto. / Seek Perfection of Character.
Karate is more than just physical. It is a long path to develop our character.

2. Hitotsu, makoto no michi o mamoru koto. / Be Faithful.
To be faithful or loyal is a strong samurai tradition and an extension of the Confucius influence on the family and martial arts.

3. Hitotsu, doryoku no seishin o yashinau o koto. / Endeavor.
Complete dedication and commitment to do our best.

4. Hitotsu, reigi o omonzuru koto. / Respect Others.
Respect for others is an important part of Karate. Master  Gichin Funakoshi stressed that karate begins and ends with etiquette. He also stated that without courtesy there is no dojo.

5. Hitotsu, kekki no yu o imashimuru koto. / Refrain From Violent Behavior.
The karate-ka's has a highly competitive spirit, unbeatable and must use the knowledge only for the sake of justice. It is wrong to use it against an untrained person or unjustified cause.
Whether novice or experienced, our Academy will allow you to study and deepen this
fascinating Oriental martial art that is traditional Shôtôkan Karate!

Contact Us

Call us
Telephone number  +32 468 25 52 46
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